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Youtube Video - Helen Keller RC - Students Music Video
Youtube Video - Sustainable is Possible
Youtube Video - Accessibility of Bring in Sites to Wheelchair users -
Youtube Video - Literacy Evening 2014
Articles and Links about our Centre
1) Times of Malta : All In Sports Festival held at Helen Keller Resource Centre.
2) GreenPak : Helen Keller Resource Centre in Qrendi claimed the honour of being the highest contributor with an average of 7,972 plastic caps per student.
3) Article: TVM: 27 skola jieħdu l-premju internazzjonali tal-bandiera l-ħadra għall-ħidma favur l-ambjent
4) Article: TVM: Imnedja kampanja fost l-istudenti biex tqajjem kuxjenza dwar il-konsum tal-ikel
5) Article: TVM: Water treatment system inaugurated at Helen Keller